Sunday, September 12, 2010

Action Research Plan Draft

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or you can download a copy in PDF format at my Wikispace page



  1. We are getting ready to introduce a laptop cart in our small 450 student campus. I am interested in how your research moves along.

  2. Joey,

    Your plan looks good. I noticed you plan on surveying only 30 students to get their opinions. I am curious to know how many students are on your campus and if this will provide a good representation of student opinions on campus. I like that you are going to select 5 to 6 teachers who utilize the mobile carts as well as 5 to 6 teachers who don't utilize those carts. Good Luck with your research.

  3. Your plan is organized. I understood each step and how it's going to be implemented and evaluated.

  4. Shana, we have approximately 800 students. Im going to choose 15 7th graders and 15 8th graders. I really dont know whether it will be a good represenation or not but I'm not sure about any other way to go about that. One thing is for sure, I want their opinion.

  5. Marj,

    I tried to make it as simplistic as possible, Thank You!

  6. Jose,

    I think you are deifinitely on the right track. Although I think maybe you could also look for data from neighboring schools or within your district that are also using mobile carts. Maybe even conducting a survey with others in the area could help with comparison data.

    I am sure you will have a successful action research that will be beneficial for improvement at your campus.

  7. Shana,

    I think I may survey more student's since I realized its only 3% of the entire school population. I think I need about 50% at least.

  8. Jose,
    I think your plan has a great deal of merit and will be valuable to your entire campus. You list a survey. I would be interested in seeing your survey questions. Those questions will be critical to your results.
    Dr. Abshire
