Monday, September 6, 2010

Lessons from Week 2

Looking back at week 2, I made a few mistakes that could cost me serious points in my grade. The first mistake I made was not scanning through the week 2 assignment and scheduling what needed to be done in a timely fashion. I say this because part 3 of week 2 assignment required me to have had an interview with my mentor and I didn't even look at this section until Sunday. This meant is was too late for me to have an interview since we were off today (Labor Day). The second mistake I made this week was selecting a action research topic. I had a marvelous idea about improving literacy through the use of an emerging technology known as e-readers. I decided to research costs and how it would be implemented however I lost hold of reality. I say this because the start up of this project costs a whole lot of money which would make this project or research not feasible. I have updated my blog and discussion board to reflect the change of topic. We are just in week 2 of this course, so I am glad I made these mistakes early and hopefully I have learned my lesson for the upcoming weeks.

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